RLR Consulting Announces New
Optometric Billing Website
""RLR Consulting has re-vamped their Optometric Billing Website:Optometric Billing Website
www.optometricbilling.rlrbillingsolutions.com. MORE CHANGES STILL TO COME!""
RLR Consulting, of Vineland, NJ announces today that they have updated their Optometric
Billing website. The updates are part of a new marketing campaign set to begin in June of
2009 aimed at creating brand recognition for their name and new software created
specifically for optometrists and optometric billing professionals.
The official name of this software has not yet been released but all indications are that it will
be released as two separate types of software one for just claim and patient management
and the other will be a full optometric office management solution. Both pieces of software
are guaranteed to be compliant with the government's EMR and EHR guidelines and will be
offered to clients FREE FOR LIFE!
More information about RLR Consulting, their Optometric Billing services and this exciting
new software can be found on their website at www.optometricbilling.rlrbillingsolutions.com
in the coming weeks and months. Also, information about government EMR and EHR
guideline implementation can be found there as well, so be sure to check the website often
for these exciting and important updates!