As originally published by the Council of Nephrology Social Workers:
*A = retired worker
B = wife of retired worker
B1 = husband of retired worker
B6 = divorced wife
B9 = divorced second wife
C = child of retired or deceased worker; numbers after C denote order of children claiming benefit
D = widow
D1 = widower
D6 = surviving divorced wife
E = mother of a child of a deceased worker
E1 = divorced mother of a child of a deceased worker
F1 = aged dependent father
F2 = aged dependent mother
*HA = disabled worker HB = wife of disabled worker
HC = child of disabled worker
*J1 = special “over 72” benefit, has A and B
K1 = wife of “over 72” benefit, has A and B
*M = has Part B Medicare only, no SSA benefit
*T = has A and B Medicare, no SSA benefit
W = disabled widow
WA = railroad retirement
*denotes the recipient’s own social security number.
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