Thursday, February 2, 2012

Optometric Billing-Mobile Devices Changing Healthcare

"As healthcare costs continue to rise, tablet and smartphone apps are steadily entering the mainstream as appealing and less expensive alternatives to non-invasive procedures and tests. People can now test their visioncount caloriessend microscopic images, and more, all using mobile devices."
Our Friends at Noble Vision believe it and so do we! Get on board in your office with mobile devices today! (read entire article here)

Are you using mobile technology in your office? Why or Why Not? Tell us below!


  1. Well thanks for sharing this post. It is a useful and a helpful post.

  2. This development is due to advancement in technology. It is very helpful and has many advantages.

  3. Well this is a very nice facility through the use of mobile phones. It is very useful for optometrists. Thanks for sharing this post.
