Thursday, August 11, 2011

Optometric Billing-the 92225 Procedure Code-UPDATED 01/10/2014

*UPDATED 01/10/2014*

Attention Optometrists and Optometric Billers:

When using 92225 you must be making diagrams. The official definition as reported by the AMA is: Ophthalmoscopy, extended, with retinal drawing.

***UPDATED INFO: Enhanced Definition- "Extended ophthalmoscopy is the illuminated and magnified vascular and nerve examination of the fundus.  It includes the optic disk, retinal vessels, macula and retina.  It may be a dilated procedure.  Always includes a detailed drawing of the retina."-EyeCOR by NTeon

This means that unless there is retinal involvement you should not use this code. You MUST also make your drawings and enter them into the patient's file whenever using 92225. This code is heavily abused by the optometric community and such is the reason I am writing about it today.

This code is also not appropriate to use for dilations as there is no official procedure code for a dilation.

I hope this is helpful to all who read.

Please visit our optometric billing website by clicking here. We will be more than happy to speak with you regarding any questions you may have.