Friday, December 2, 2011

Medical Procedures Like Pink Eye

Pulled the following link off of twitter this morning and love how it proves more and more that optometry IS A MEDICAL SERVICE! Optometric billing has become more than just billing VSP and EYEMED for "crap" routine services. Optometrists, especially those just graduating from colleges of optometry, are finding more and more every day that they are now PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS FOR THE EYES! There is so much to good eye health and optometrists that run thier practice like medical professionals will not only be helping patients with thier OVERALL HEALTH but they will be helping the health of thier practice as well! Optometrists that bill medically whenever possible are forced by coding rules to provide a more thorough exam which not only leads to a higher reimbursement since more complex codes can be used but It also leads to a HEALTHIER PATIENT!

Read the following article about pink eye that I pulled from twitter to see how optometrists in this town are providing medical services! Then go to and see how they can help you with your optometric billing! You're patients and your practice will be healthier if you do!