Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Optometric Billing-Another Hilarious Video!

Another Hilarious "optifog" video...were gonna have them make us an optometric billing commercial I

think!  Enjoy and don't forget what we were all taught as children...SHARE!

Optometric Billing- 25% Of All U.S Physicians Own a Tablet!

At least twice per month it seems that we bring to light just how important it will be for optometrists to "Jumb on the iPad bandwagon"! Well, today, our friends at Noble Vision have said the same thing. They posted an article today that highlighted just how important these new tools are/can be.

"Today, 25 percent of all US physicians own a tablet device, while average consumers can use mobile devices asdiagnostic tools and share healthcare information via social networking. Mobile devices also provide consumers with the concept of “quantified self,” helping them monitor and improve their health."
Read the entire article here

We believe whole heartedly that tablets are the new "PC" and will become more mainstream this year and into 2013. In fact, it was announced yesterday that Apple is now the leading provider of "PC's" thanks to record sales of the iPad in the last quarter '04 having toppled the once dominant Hewlett Packard. 

Here at opticXpress we test our optometric billing software and services on tablet devices regularly and encourage clients and non-clients alike to implement tablets into their office structure whenever possible. We encourage you to do the same if you haven't already.