Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Optometric Billing-ICD Implementation Delayed....AGAIN!

Senate passes bill which delays ICD-10 implementationPosted on: Tuesday, April 01, 2014

The U.S. Senate passed a House-approved measure (HR-4302) on Monday evening (3/31/2014) that delays the conversion to ICD-10 diagnostic and procedure codes until at least October 1, 2015. 

Oddly enough, the bill wasn't even ICD-10 one even knows how this measure got into the act. Provider groups (likely the AMA to name) are apparently pretty pissed. I know I am, I would like to just get it done already.

You can one of the articles on the topic by clicking here.

If you Click Here, you won't have to worry about ICD-10 cause opticXpress will worry about it for you!

Optometric Billing-Affordable Care Act (Obama Care), Letter From President Obama

I got this letter from the President of The United States earlier today, I just wanted to share it with everyone.

"Hello everyone,

Last night, the first open enrollment period under the Affordable Care Act came to an end.
And this afternoon, we announced that 7.1 million Americans have now signed up for private insurance plans through the new Health Insurance Marketplaces.

7.1 million.

That doesn't count the more than 3 million young adults who have gained insurance under this law by staying on their families' plans. It doesn't count the millions more who have gotten covered through the expansion of Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program. It doesn't include the more than 100 million folks who now have better care -- who are receiving additional benefits, like mammograms and contraceptive care, at no extra cost.

Now, millions of our fellow Americans have the comfort and peace of mind that comes with knowing they're no longer leaving their health and well-being to chance. For many of them, quality health insurance wasn't an option until this year -- maybe because they couldn't afford it, or because a pre-existing condition kept them locked out of a discriminatory system.

Today, that's changed. And while our long-broken health care system may not be completely fixed, it's without question a lot better. That's something to be proud of -- and there's no good reason to go back.
Regardless of your politics, or your feelings about the Affordable Care Act, millions more Americans with health coverage is something that's good for our economy and our country.

At the end of the day, that is what this law -- and the other reforms we're fighting for, from a 21st-century immigration system to a fairer wage for every American who's willing to work for it -- are all about:
Making sure our country lives up to our highest ideals.

I am thankful to be your President today, and every day. And I am proud that this law will continue to make life better for millions of Americans in the years to come.

Thank you.

President Barack Obama"

Somewhere in there he forgot to mention that now, millions of more people will be insured to walk through your optometry practice doors and create an optometric billing nightmare for your billing staff because many, many, many of these newly insured patients, as well as the patient's that have been with you for years, are going to get hit with sky-high deductibles that average anywhere from $3k-$10k per year. 

Patients barely want to pay their co-pays now as it is,do you really think it is gonna be any easier to get them to pay for their entire exam out of pocket due to ridiculously high deductibles and co-insurances? Somewhere, I bet the board members of Care Credit are cracking open bottles of Dom Perignon and cases of Cuban Cigars while they laugh...all the way to the bank.

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