Friday, January 20, 2012

Optometric Billing-Tips For Great Marketing

We here at opticXpress are primarily engaged in medical billing for optometry, otherwise known as "optometric billing". However, we know a thing or two about eye care practices and we are always trying to stay on top of the latest technological trends and advances as it pertains to the optometric practice (see our articles on mobile computing).

Below is an copy of an article written by Peter Ghali, iContact Senior Manager, Product Management, that was reposted and sent to us by our good friends at Mirro, Inc. Mirro, Inc, for those of you who don't know, is a firm that specializes in helping optometric practices better market themselves. Mirro uses advanced education techniques and of course, EMAIL Marketing, designed to get the most out of a practice and it's staff. Please give them a call by clicking here for more help marketing your practice. 

Now, without further Ado I present to you the article by Peter Ghali.

-By Peter Ghali

For many businesses, 2011 proved to be a challenging year. They had to do more with less while customers became even more demanding. With new online channels emerging and the challenges they bring, marketers will have to improve their email marketing in order to stay relevant and remain effective. Below are five email marketing trends that can help you accomplish your 2012 marketing goals.

Social media and email marketing go hand in hand these days. It is now commonplace for marketers to add social sharing buttons to their emails and to use email marketing to grow their own social network following. The advantage of combining your email and social media marketing is that it gives your subscribers an opportunity to hear from you the way they want to hear from you. Everyone benefits, and this trend will continue into 2012.

Email marketers are realizing that more and more emails are read on smartphones. Over time, this trend has been increasing. In 2012, email marketers will look for guidance and best practices to help them ensure that smartphone users still receive appealing content that engages them while they’re on the go.

While email marketers will still focus on list growth (as they should), 2012 will see email engagement become even more critical. Consumers are faced with overcrowded in-boxes, so you’ll need to establish a connection with your subscribers so your message can stand out. Additionally, many email programs (Gmail, Yahoo, etc.) are adding tools to help their users filter out messages that aren’t important (e.g., Gmail’s Priority Inbox), so it will be imperative for email marketers to increase their focus on engaging users via opens/clicks.

Email marketing is all about delivering value to your subscribers. In 2012, email marketers will need to evaluate their content strategies as they try to increase email engagement. Email marketers also have to consider how their email content can be leveraged for other marketing channels (e.g., social, web). It’s very easy to get overwhelmed with the need to create content to keep your marketing fresh and relevant. In 2012, email marketers will look for better ways to create, curate, and re-purpose content to resonate across channels and drive higher engagement.

2012 will continue to see email marketing garner quite a bit of attention from marketers. As you grow your email marketing, keeping these trends in mind will only help. What other email marketing trends will make a difference in 2012? Feel free to share!

Optometric Billing-Credentialing For Insurance

One of the biggest reasons an optometrist's claims are rejected is because they put the wrong provider information on the claim. This can be avoided, however, by properly credentialing your company. I typically suggest organizing as a group and credentialing with all insurance companies as that group. This helps you to stay organized and makes it more or less a no-brainer when you, your staff or your outsourced biller (think opticXpress) has to file a claim for your patients.

In offices where your numbers might be too low to file as group or you just don't want too you are going to have a harder time. Generally, when you are not a group, credentialing tends to be all over the place. Forms may be filled out with the primary practitioner as the credentialed party. You may have another provider working for you that came from another practice credentialed for a particular insurance, or the forms are filled out with some having your credentials and others not, leading to huge nightmares for those who have to file your claims.

Bottom line: take the time to organize yourself as a group and credential as many of your insurances under that group as possible. Many of your current insurance companies will allow to simply update your status with a copy of a w9, Medicare will be a pain but that's nothing new. If you can't credential with an insurance company as a group then establish a set name, as in spelling, and address that you will use as your backup credentialing for those insurance companies and share the information with your staff and biller(s). Following this advice will make you more money and save a lot of time in the long-run, plus your biller (opticXpress) will thank you!

Related Articles:

Optometric Billing-Why Don't Patients Pay Their Damn Invoices?!